Renowned French director Julia Ducournau, best known for her critically acclaimed films “Raw” and “Titane,” recently spoke about her favorite films that have influenced her own work. Among her top picks are the classic horror films “Dead Ringers” and “The Fly.”
Ducournau has shown a deep appreciation for the horror genre, and she revealed some of her other favorites, such as “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “Carrie.” These films, known for their suspenseful storytelling and innovative cinematography, have left a lasting impact on the director.
The horror genre has witnessed a renaissance in recent years, with modern filmmakers elevating it to new heights. Figures like Jordan Peele, Robert Eggers, and Ari Aster have gained recognition for their unique vision and ability to create thought-provoking horror experiences. Ducournau acknowledges these talented filmmakers as contributors to the genre’s evolution.
However, Ducournau stands out as one of the notable voices pushing boundaries and carving her distinct path within the genre. Her film “Raw” garnered critical acclaim for its unique blend of horror and coming-of-age storytelling, while “Titane” received the prestigious Palme d’Or at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival.
While discussing her favorites, Ducournau highlights the impact these films have had on her own filmmaking style. She credits them for inspiring her to explore unconventional narratives and visual techniques that challenge traditional horror tropes.
As the horror genre continues to evolve, enthusiasts and cinephiles eagerly anticipate the next innovative project from Julia Ducournau. With her unique perspective and penchant for pushing boundaries, she remains a force to be reckoned with in the world of horror cinema.